Host a Hearth Dinner
What is a Hearth Dinner?
Hearth Dinners are one of the several interwoven tracks of the Ecological Belonging initiative. It centers on creating and holding space to engage in conversation on Ecological Belonging. Through dinners and dinner-hosting guides, we help communities question and reflect over this key question of “How do we live?” while dining together in a way that is locally rooted, from the food to various rituals and traditions. Together, we reflect on what it means to gather and belong.
You can be a host, too!
This Hosting Guide is a work in progress. We are seeking your feedback.
Let us know what you think!
Read about how other Hearth Dinners have gone.
Thank you for your interest in hosting a Hearth Dinner!
The Wellbeing Project does not provide monetary support for these events, but we do offer a comprehensive guide to help you plan and host successfully. We encourage you to get creative with funding by organizing potlucks, pooling resources with friends, or seeking local sponsors.